Session 19. Young train – Innovative research and extension
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Theatre Session
Let there be light – blue, red or white light for dairy cows
S. Lindkvist, E. Ternman, S. Ferneborg, B. Ekesten and S. Agenäs
Effects of the novel concept ‘outdoor veal calf’ on antimicrobial use, mortality and weight gain
J. Becker, G. Schüpbach-Regula, A. Steiner, V. Perreten, D. Wüthrich, A. Hausherr and M. Meylan
Feed characteristics and potential effects on rumen microbiome of ensiled seaweeds for dairy cows
Y. Yen, M.R. Weisbjerg, K. Viswanath and M. Novoa-Garrido
Milk yield and fertility in a randomized controlled trial of extended voluntary waiting period
A. Edvardsson Rasmussen, C. Kronqvist, R. Båge and K. Holtenius
Effect of milk β-casein variants on cheese making traits
V. Vigolo, M. Franzoi, M. Penasa and M. De Marchi
CNGB3 missense variant causes recessive day-blindness (achromatopsia) in Original Braunvieh cattle
I.M. Häfliger, E. Marchionatti, M. Stengard, S. Wolf-Hofstetter, J.M. Paris, J.G.P. Jacinto, C. Watté, K. Voelter, L.M. OcCelli, A.M. Komáromy, A. Oevermann, C. Goepfert, A. Borgo, R. Roduit, M. Spengeler, F.R. Seefried and C. Drögemüller
Effects of a low protein diet with rumen protected Met, Lys and His on the performance of dairy cows
T. Van Den Bossche, L. Vandaele, J.L. De Boever, B. Ampe, C. Cirot, M. Rolland, J. De Sutter and K. Goossens
Do dairy cows feeding on organic wastes burp less methane?
M. Reichenbach, A. Mech and E. Schlecht
Exploring the bovine colostrum microbiome in Holstein Friesian and double muscled Belgian Blue
I. Van Hese, K. Goossens, L. Vandaele and G. Opsomer
Associations between udder health traits and milk protein fractions in Holstein cows
V. Bisutti, A. Vanzin, A. Toscano, S. Pegolo, E. Trevisi, P. Ajmone Marsan, R. Negrini and A. Cecchinato
Milk microbiota investigation during and after summer Alpine transhumance and relation with cheese
G. Secchi, N. Amalfitano, A. Mancini, G. Bittante and E. Franciosi
Modelling the impact of feeding strategies on greenhouse gas emissions using process-based models
L. Ouatahar, A. Bannink, G. Lanigan and B. Amon
AEA enhanced bovine vascular endothelial cell barrier integrity during LPS challenge mediated by CB1
C.C.F. Walker and L.M. Sordillo
Poster Session
β-κ-casein haplotypes and its association with milk production traits in Spanish Holstein cows
O. Urrutia, J.A. Mendizabal and L. Alfonso
Application of a bio-economic model for economic estimation of Lithuanian dairy breeds
Š. Marašinskienė, R. Šveistienė, B. Kosińska-Selbi, C. Schmidtmann, M. Kargo, J.F. Ettema and V. Juškienė