Session 60. European collaboration in research towards sustainable pig production
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Theatre Session
Sustainable pig production systems: the SusPigSys system approach
S. Dippel, M. Gębska, S. Hörtenhuber, C. Hubbard, C. Leeb, K. De Roest, H. Spoolder, A. Valros and The Suspigsys Team
Improving pig production: a whole system approach – insights and proposals from PigSys
B. Sturm, N. Quiniou, L. Brossard, K.H. Jeppsson, K. Myllerup, A. Zacepins, S. Müller, G. Pexas, A. Nasirahmadi, V. Komasilovs, A.C. Olsson, K. Dominiak, S. Raut, F. Udesen, M. Marcon and S. Edwards
PEGaSus: Phosphorus efficiency in pig and chicken – An animal-centred view on the phosphorus cycle
M. Oster, H. Reyer, C. Mulvenna, D. Fornara, E. Ball, H.D. Poulsen, N. Ekane, A. Rosemarin, L. Arata, A. Chakrabarti, P. Sckokai, E. Magowan and K. Wimmers
Sustainability in pork production with immunocastration
V. Stefanski, M. Aluwe, M. Čandek-Potokar, P. Ingenbleek, E. Kostyra, E. Labussiere, H. Maribo, S. Millet, M. Skrlep, A. Van Den Broeke, M. Vrecl, S. Zakowska-Biemans and The Susi Team
PIGWEB: an infrastructure for experimental research for sustainable pig production
J. Van Milgen, S. Millet, R. Westin, C. Larzul, C. Kaya, J.V. Nørgaard, C.C. Metges and G. Bee