Session 49. Transgenerational effect of nutrition (feeding of mother, effect on offspring)
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Theatre Session
Periconceptional diet and epigenetic programming of offspring health and productivity
K.D. Sinclair
Effects of cow milk protein genotypes on health, growth and β-casomorphin-7 level in the offspring
L.G. Hohmann, H. Schweizer, T. Yin, I.J. Giambra, S. Koenig and A.M. Scholz
Can we alter the microbial composition in bovine colostrum through the dry period ration?
I. Van Hese, K. Goossens, L. Vandaele and G. Opsomer
Effects of improved early life nutrition on miRNA and mRNA expression in testes of the bull calf
S. Coen, K. Keogh, P. Lonergan, S. Fair and D. Kenny
Milk composition and productive performance from dairy goats fed with sunflower and rapeseed oils
E. Vargas-Bello-Pérez, N. Camilla Pedersen, R. Dhakal and H.H. Hansen
Effect of the dietary calcium level on the performances and bones’ resorption in of lactating sows
A. Samson, C. Launay, E. Janvier, F. Payola and E. Schetelat
Sex-specific transgenerational effects of maternal diet type and spirulina supplementation in pigs
R. Lugarà, R. Bruckmaier and K. Giller
Dry grape extract supplementation in sows improves colostrum quality and piglets’ performances
P. Engler, D. Bussières, A. Demortreux, N. Paisley and A. Benarbia
Poster Session
Maternal subnutrition increases antioxidant defences during peri-implantation period in beef cattle
B. Serrano-Pérez, A. Carbonell, A. Noya, I. Casasús, A. Sanz, I. López-Helguera, J. Álvarez-Rodríguez, E. Molina and D. Villalba
In utero undernutrition affects heifer growth, follicle and metabolic traits but not age at puberty
A. Sanz, I. Casasús, J. Ferrer, L. López De Armentia and A. Noya
Vitamin A regulates myoblast hyperplasia and myogenesis in bovine stromal vascular cell
X.C. Jin, D.Q. Peng, J.S. Park, W.S. Kim, Y.H. Jo, J.H. Lee, B.M. Kim, J. Ghassemi Nejad, J.S. Lee and H.G. Lee
Energy level and milking frequency at dry-off do not affect colostrogenesis in dairy cows
M. Larsen, M.B. Samarasinghe and L.E. Hernández-Castellano
Does dam nutrition during prepubertal phase affect muscle gene expression in male foetal progeny?
J.M. Clariget, K. Keogh, A.K. Kelly and D.A. Kenny
Effect of maternal Solanum glaucophyllum intake on suckling piglet growth and muscle gene expression
K. Giller and I.D.M. Gangnat
Influence of in utero undernutrition on beef heifer performance up to their first lactation
A. Noya, I. Casasús, J. Ferrer, L. López De Armentia and A. Sanz