Session 11. LFS efficiency: indicators and scales?
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Date: 28 August 2017; 14:00 – 17:45 hours
Chairperson: M.Zehetmeier
Theatre Session 11
What is efficient livestock production? And is it sustainable?
Invited Röös, E.; Garnett, T.; Little, D.; Bajželj, B.; Smith, P.; Patel, M.
Official signs of quality in livestock production systems: Multi-performance from farm to society
Benoit, M.; Méda, B.
Efficiency of grassland based dairy farming systems in mountainous areas
Berton, M.; Corazzin, M.; Bittante, G.; Bovolenta, S.; Romanzin, A.; Sturaro, E.
Yield gap analysis of beef production systems: the case of grass-based beef production in France
Van Der Linden, A.; Oosting, S.J.; Van De Ven, G.W.J.; Veysset, P.; Van Ittersum, M.K.; De Boer, I.J.M.
Ingestive behavior components are they key-indicators of daily feed acquisition and LFS efficiency
Boval, M.; Sauvant, D.
Evironmental impacts of different innovative feeding strategies in pig and broiler farms
Espagnol, S.; Dusart, L.; Méda, B.; Gaudré, D.; Wilfart, A.; Ponchant, P.; Garcia-Launay, F.
How to assess efficiency in animal production? Different approaches from animal to farming systems
Invited Faverdin, P.
A path devising farm-specific adaptions to ensure economic viability and less environmental impact
Lehmann, J.O.; Kristensen, T.
Downscaling whole-farm measures of livestock production efficiency to the individual field level
Takahashi, T.; Harris, P.; Orr, R.; Hawkins, J.; Rivero, J.; Lee, M.
Relationships between methane emissions and technico-economic data from commercial dairy herds
Delhez, P.; Wyzen, B.; Dalcq, A.-C.; Colinet, F.G.; Reding, E.; Vanlierde, A.; Dehareng, F.; Gengler, N.; Soyeurt, H.
How mastitis in dairy cows affects the carbon footprint of milk
Mostert, P.F.; Van Middelaar, C.E.; Bokkers, E.A.M.; De Boer, I.J.M.
Posters Session 11
Scandinavian beef production models explored on efficiency on producing human edible protein
Swensson, C.; Herlin, A.
Capturing livestock farms diversity in Uruguay: Typology and classification of grazing management
Paparamborda, Ignacio, P.I.; Soca Pablo, S.P
Permanent fences for temporary use in livestock protection against wolf predation
Pinto De Andrade, L.; Várzea Rodrigues, J.; Carvalho, J.; Salvatori, V.
Efficiency of permanent fences in the prevention of predation by wolves in livestock
Várzea Rodrigues, J.; Carvalho, J.; Galvão, A.; Monteiro, P.; Pinto De Andrade, L.