Session 18. Animal behaviour and genetics

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Date: 29 August 2017; 14:30 – 18:00 hours
Chairperson: L.A. Boyle


Theatre Session 18

Novel water utilisation and drinking behaviour traits for turkey genetic selection programmes
Kyriazakis, I.; Rusakovica, J.; Kremer, V.; Rohlf, P.

Can we breed for improved maternal ability in sows?
Ocepek, M.; Andersen, I.L.

Can temperament be considered as the same trait in different milking systems?
Wethal, K.B.; Heringstad, B.

Genetic assessment of intra-individual animal variation in milking order of Jersey cows
Løvendahl, P.; Lauritsen, U.; Hansen, L.F.; Persson, J.; Sarup, P.M.

Models with indirect genetic effects depending on group sizes-A simulation study
Heidaritabar, M.; Bijma, P.; Janss, L.; Bortoluzzi, C.; Nielsen, H.M.; Ask, B.; Christensen, O.F.

Genome-wide association study for direct and indirect genetic effects on survival time in layers
Ellen, E.D.; Brinker, T.; Bijma, P.

Genetic parameters of royal jelly production and behavioural traits of honey bees
Phocas, F.; Le Bihan, C.; Basso, B.


Posters Session 18

Visual assessment of plumage and integument damage in dual-purpose and conventional layers
Giersberg, M.F.; Spindler, B.; Kemper, N.

Behavior and growth of pigs with divergent social breeding values
Hong, J.K.; Kim, K.H.; Song, N.R.; Hwang, H.S.; Lee, J.K.; Eom, T.K.; Rhim, S.J.

Effect of photoperiod and ambient temperature on reproductive behavior of Damascus goat bucks
Pavlou, E.; Banos, G.; Avdi, M.