Session 19. Bioeconomy, industrial ecology and territorial metabolism: how to manage flows and cycles in LFS and at what scale?

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Date: 29 August 2017; 14:30 – 18:00 hours
Chairperson: R.Ripoll-Bosch


Theatre Session 19

The option space for feeding the world without deforestation: implications for livestock management
Invited Haberl, H.; Erb, K.-H.; Lauk, C.; Kastner, T.; Theurl, M.C.; Mayer, A.

The net contribution of livestock production to protein supply for humans
Laisse, S.; Baumont, R.; Dusart, L.; Gaudré, D.; Rouillé, B.; Peyraud, J.L.

A systematic review of trade-offs between food-feed-bioenergy as a result of biomass competition
Muscat, A.; Ripoll-Bosch, R.; De Boer, I.J.M.

Multiscale influence of feedstuff availability on environmental impacts of feed
Espagnol, S.; Garcia-Launay, F.; Dusart, L.; Dauguet, S.; Gac, A.; Gaudré, D.; Méda, B.; Tailleur, A.; Wilfart, A.; Morin, L.

The key role of horses in the sustainability of territories
Santos, A.S.; Lopes, L.F.

Brazilian livestock industry socioecological metabolism: N, P and K flow estimate at country level
Invited Gameiro, A.H.; Bonaudo, T.; Tichit, M.

Novel metrics to evaluate livestock farming systems based on dynamic flows of nutrients
Takahashi, T.; Cardenas, L.; Harris, P.; Mead, A.; Lee, M.

Analyzing the spatial variation of crop and livestock balance on a nation-wide gradient
Puillet, L.; Bonaudo, T.; Domingues, J.P.; Jouven, M.; Poméon, T.; Tichit, M.

Dynamix, a serious game to design crop-livestock integration among farms
Ryschawy, J.; Charmeau, A.; Moraine, M.; Martin, G.