Session 23. The tortoise and the hare: finding the best balance between resilience and efficiency

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Theatre Session

Resilience and efficiency in monogastrics: results from Feed-a-Gene
J. Van Milgen, K.E. Bach Knudsen, A. Jansman, V. Halas, J. Pomar, H. Gilbert and G. Garrod

Impact of feed efficiency in young beef animals on adult resilience, from field challenge experiment
P. Martin, G. Renand, D. Dozias, D. Maupetit and D. Villalba

Modelling GxE to find efficient, robust and resilient cattle
B. Gredler-Grandl, M. Erbe, S. Aguerre, S. Mattalia, K.U. Goetz and M. Calus

Genotype by temperature-humidity index interactions on production in the Montbeliarde cattle breed
A. Vinet, S. Mattalia, R. Vallée, C. Bertrand, P. Bertuzzi, E. Venot and D. Boichard

Long-term impacts of selecting for resilience: combined genetic and systemic modelling
M. Kargo, C. Bengtsson, N.C. Friggens, F. Ramirez-Agudelo, M. Slagboom, J.R. Thomasen and L. Puillet

Farm system characterization across Europe, and climate change impacts on farm system resilience
S. Moakes, S. Quiédeville, C. Pfeifer and F. Leiber

Breeding for resilient dairy cattle – opportunities and challenges
C.F. Baes, F. Schenkel, E. Goddard, G. Kistemaker, N. Van Staaveren, M. De Pauw, R. Cerri, M.A. Sirard, P. Stothard and F. Miglior

Validation of resilience indicators based on daily milk yield in dairy cows
M. Poppe, H.A. Mulder, M.L. Van Pelt and R.F. Veerkamp

Analysis of milk solid production and mid-lactation bodyweight to evaluate cow lactation efficiency
S.H. Evers, S. MacParland, L. Delaby, K.M. Pierce and B. Horan

Poster Session

Milk natural isotopic composition, feed efficiency, and body mobilization in early lactation
C. Loncke, J. Pires, H. Fouillet, D. Sauvant, M. Bonnet, C. Eyma, V. Mathé, N. Khodorova, S. Bes, M. Tourret, P. Schmidely and G. Cantalapiedra-Hijar

Heart rate of grazing Hereford heifers classified by paternal RFI
M.F. Marín, H. Naya, T. Devincenzi, E.A. Navajas, A.C. Espasandín and M. Carriquiry

Climate effects on birth weight environmental variability in a divergently selected mice population
L. El-Ouazizi El-Kahia, N. Formoso-Rafferty, I. Cervantes and J.P. Gutiérrez

Beef cattle with superior feed conversion efficiency present higher whole-body protein turnover
P. Guarnido-Lopez, I. Ortigues-Marty, L. Salis, C. Chantelauze, P. Faure and G. Cantalapiedra-Hijar