Session 24. From PLF sensor development to application in the field

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Theatre Session

CowBhave open-source acceleration tag hardware and firmware for cow behaviour monitoring
V. Bloch, C. Arcidiacono, M. Mancino and M. Pastell

Using deep neural networks to detect cow behaviour from CowBhave accelerometer collar
M. Pastell, V. Bloch, L. Frondelius, M. Mughal, M. Mancino and C. Arcidiacono

Effect of sward height on the behaviour of grazing dairy cows
E. Paulenz, L. Gygax, K. Barth and E. Hillmann

Detecting feed scarcity on pasture by a drop in milk yield and behavioural changes of grazing cows
L. Hart, U. Dickhoefer and C. Umstaetter

Digital monitoring technologies – from supply to implementation on Swiss farms
C. Umstätter, T. Groher and J. Stachowicz

How are animal health monitoring tools used – the point of view of French livestock farmers
C. Manoli, T. Gambara, S. Di Bianco, A. Sigwalt, N. Bareille, P. Kaufmann and A. Wache

Value creation for animal health and welfare by real time surveillance (FAS) in broiler production
J. Hartung, S. Rautenschlein, C. Suerie, C. Visscher and O. Distl

Development and use of insemination values to aid decision-making in precision dairy breeding
A. De Vries, P. Pinedo and N. Bliznyuk

GPS tracking indicates high variability in grazing patterns of lactating cows in Alpine summer farms
S. Raniolo, M. Ramanzin and E. Sturaro

Lean start-up principles in the development of walk over weight system for outdoor reared pigs
M. Odintsov Vaintrub, G. Mastromatteo and G. Marruchella

Machine learning algorithms can predict tail biting outbreaks in pigs using feeding behaviour records
C. Ollagnier, C. Kasper, A. Wallenbeck, L. Keeling and S.A. Bigdeli

Poster Session

Education to enhance knowledge on precision livestock farming to improve livestock sector competence
A. Herlin, O. Guzhva and G. Löe

Body condition monitoring in dairy farms: survey among farmers and advisors of West France
T. Petit, M. Lamarre, J. Fagon and C. Dezetter

A data infrastructure that automatically collects animal identification real time
I. Hulsegge, E. Ellen, G. Seiger, M. Afonso and C. Kamphuis

CowBhave project: open-source accelerometer-based systems for dairy behaviour monitoring
C. Arcidiacono, M. Mancino, S.M.C. Porto, G. Cascone, V. Bloch and M. Pastell

CowBhave system components for automated cow behaviour discrimination from accelerometers at the leg
C. Arcidiacono, M. Mancino, S.M.C. Porto, V. Bloch and M. Pastell