Session 40. Heifer growth strategies for increased productivity, longevity and reduced environmental impact

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Theatre Session

Evaluation of growth and reproduction performance of replacement dairy heifers
A. Plomaritou, M.E. Hanlon, K. Gatsas, R.G. Pitino, K. Tremmas, L. Karatosidi, F. Righi and A. Foskolos

Impact of enhanced compared to restricted milk feeding on performance and welfare of rearing calves
S. Ivemeyer, D. Haager, C. Simantke, P. Mayer, K. Kull, J. Preußer, G. Utz, U. Knierim and C. Winckler

Plasma vitamin E in calves fed different sources and doses of vitamin E around weaning 402
S. Lashkari, S.K. Jensen and M. Vestergaard

Effect of enhanced early life nutrition on the of the anterior pituitary proteome of heifer calves
A.K. Kelly, K. Keogh, C. Byrne and D.A. Kenny

Effects of maize silage (MS) inclusion at different age in Holstein Friesian and Belgian Blue calves
M. Lamérand, S. Curial, I. Van Hese, B. Ampe, G. Opsomer, L. Vandaele and K. Goossens

Grazing behaviour of pregnant dairy heifers depending on pasture growth
S. Elsholz, C. Siede and I. Traulsen

Heart girth measurements to estimate body weight of growing and mature Holstein-Friesian cattle
C.E. Bailey and J.M. Moorby

Body measurement for female Holstein Friesian calves’ weight estimation from birth to 15 months old
L. Turini, G. Conte, F. Bonelli, A. Madrigali, M. Sgorbini and M. Mele