Session 68. PLF MIR tools to monitor cows’ welfare in particular the freedom from disease, hunger and stress (in collaboration with HappyMoo project)
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Theatre Session
HappyMoo project – using milk mid-infrared spectrum to predict dairy cows’ welfare status
J. Leblois, C. Bertozzi, M. Calmels, L. Dale, C. Grelet, C. Lecomte, L. Mirabito, M.-N. Tran, V. Vanden Dries, A. Werner, V. Wolf, F. Dehareng and HappyMoo Consortium
Detecting welfare status in a milk sample: effects of housing modifications on milk spectra
M. Bahadi, D. Warner, A.A. Ismail, D.E. Santschi, D.M. Lefebvre, R. Duggavathi and E. Vasseur
Identification of dairy cows chronic stress biomarkers
C. Grelet, V. Vanden Dries, J. Leblois, J. Wavreille, L. Mirabito, H. Soyeurt, S. Franceschini, N. Gengler, Happymoo Consortium and F. Dehareng
Heat stress assessments in dairy cattle based on milk MIR spectral data
H. Amamou, M. Mahouachi, A. Werner, N. Gengler, J. Bieger, K. Drössler, H. Hammami, HappyMoo Consortium and L.M. Dale
‘MastiMIR’ an early warning system based on MIR spectra
L.M. Dale, M. Hoenen, E.J.P. Strang, K. Drössler, J. Bieger, HappyMoo Consortium and A. Werner
Predicting mastitis with somatic cell count, differential somatic cell count and milk MIR spectra
L. Rienesl, M. Marginter and J. Sölkner
#Freenotypes: extracting added value from routine milk recording using deep learning
S.J. Denholm, W. Brand, M. Busfield, A.P. Mitchell, A.T. Wells, T. Krzyzelewski, S.L. Smith, E. Wall and M.P. Coffey
Prediction of dry matter intake of dairy cows across multiple countries and production systems
A. Tedde, C. Grelet, P.N. Ho, J.E. Pryce, D. Hailemariam, Z. Wang, G. Plastow, N. Gengler, E. Froidmont, F. Dehareng, C. Bertozzi and H. Soyeurt
HappyMoo – dairy cows lameness prediction through milk mid-infrared spectral analysis
M.-N. Tran, L. Dale, N. Gengler, M. Jattiot, J. Leblois, D. Matthews, U. Schuler, HappyMoo Consortium and M. El Jabri
Multiple breeds and countries predictions of mineral contents from milk mid-infrared spectrometrie
O. Christophe, C. Grelet, C. Bertozzi, D. Veselko, C. Lecomte, P. Höckels, A. Werner, F.-J. Auer, N. Gengler, F. Dehareng and H. Soyeurt
Developing quantitative traits related to animal health status using a holistic big data approach
S. Franceschini, C. Grelet, C. Bertozzi, N. Gengler, Gpluse Consortium and H. Soyeurt
Genetic parameters for milk urea in dual-purpose Belgian Blue cows
H. Atashi, C. Bastin, Y. Chen, S. Vanderick, H. Wilmot and N. Gengler
Poster Session
Predictive ability of MIR Spectra for detecting non-coagulating milk of Sarda ewes
G. Gaspa, F. Correddu, A. Cesarani, A. Pauciullo and N.P.P. MacCiotta