Copenhagen 2014
Book of Abstract: Book of Abstract Copenhagen 2014
- Session 01. Horse keeping and society
- Session 02. Cellular physiology of the growth process
- Session 03. Challenge programme: Overall assessment of perinatal lamb mortality and strategies to improve lamb survival
- Session 04. Resource use efficiency and improvement options from farm to global level
- Session 05. Industry session: Precision Livestock Farming; making sense of sensors to support farm management – part 1
- Session 06. Industry session: Micronutrients and their impact on production, health and the environment
- Session 07. Feeding (and management) to improve gut barrier function and immunity in livestock
- Session 08. Young train session: dairy innovative research and extension by young scientists
- Session 09. Grass based farming: all aspects
- Session 10. Industry session: Precision Livestock Farming; making sense of sensors to support farm management – part 2
- Session 11. Industry session: Precision Livestock Farming; making sense of sensors to support farm management – part 3
- Session 12. Industry session: Precision Livestock Farming; making sense of sensors to support farm management – part 4
- Session 13. Appetite control – mechanisms and comparative aspects
- Session 14. Sequence based analysis
- Session 15. Industry session: new advances in exogenous enzymes in livestock production
- Session 16. Discovery session: Proteomics in farm animals
- Session 17. Welfare, behaviour and health in horse management
- Session 18. Challenge programme: Ethics teaching in animal science
- Session 19. Plenary session – part 1: Integrated human-animal relationships
- Session 20. Sustainable cows, herd practices and product quality – part 1
- Session 21. Embryonic and foetal programming
- Session 22. Challenge programme: Careers in the livestock industry
- Session 23. Non-standard traits in genomic selection
- Session 24. Observations at slaughter to improve welfare and health on pig farms
- Session 25. Sheep and goat feeding and health
- Session 26. Organic livestock farming – challenges and future perspectives
- Session 27. Discovery session: Insects for feed
- Session 28. Discovery session: Ethical aspects of animal breeding
- Session 29. Plenary session – part 2: Integrated human-animal relationships
- Session 30. Challenge programme: Environmental optimisation of the pig production system
- Session 31. Competitiveness of European beef production
- Session 32. Discovery session: The horse as key player of local development: looking to the future in the 3rd millennium
- Session 33. Interactions between stress, metabolism and immunity
- Session 34. Discovery session: Sustainable intensification to feed the world: fact or fiction?
- Session 35. Genetics commission: young scientists’ competition
- Session 36. Fur, fibre and skin animal production
- Session 37. Industry session: probiotics
- Session 38. Challenge programme: Improving the responsible use of antibiotics
- Session 39. Cattle debate session: family versus mega farm
- Session 40. Strategies for improving productivity in small ruminants
- Session 41. Free communications on animal genetics
- Session 42. Livestock effects on the environment
- Session 43. Pig nutrition in gestation, lactation and progeny development
- Session 44. Physiology metabolism and digestion
- Session 45. Free communications animal nutrition
- Session 46. Horse genetics free communications
- Session 47. Health and production diseases
- Session 48. Sustainable cows, herd practices and product quality – part 2
- Session 49. The role of small ruminants in meeting global challenges for sustainable intensification
- Session 50. Analysis of longitudinal data
- Session 51. Challenge programme: Animal task force – appropriation of innovation by farmers in animal agriculture
- Session 52. Feed efficiency and feed resources
- Session 53a. Industry session: quality pays – A: The Danish way of pig production
- Session 53b. Industry session: quality pays – B: Farm data for decision support to achieve efficient and healthy dairy systems
- Session 54. Behaviour and welfare in farm animals
- Session 55. Market-orientated pig production – conventional and non-conventional
- Session 56. Udder health, reproduction and longevity in cattle